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Academic Highlights

Strategic Planning Document

On this assignment we had to first draft a strategic plan document individually about a local health service organization that provides direct patient care. After we turned our documents in we got in groups and chose which document we wanted to continue with and finalize a strategic plan document that we got to present in front of the class. This allowed me to build and manage relationships with my peers in communicating information and ideas in a strategic plan document in a clear, concise, organized, and effective manner through a presentation.   


Policy Analysis Group Paper

This group paper required us to define a health policy issue, evaluate policy options to address our problem, and take a position about which option we should adopt. My groups paper was about maternal and child health, more specifically- our problem was how can we lower the rate of maternal deaths in mothers both during and postpartum in the state of Indiana? This assignment challenged my research skills, communication skills, and teamwork collaboration skills. It brought fourth my strengths and the areas I need to grow when working with my peers. 

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